2 min readDec 18, 2020


Hypnopompic Hallucinations

“I… I can’t figure out time, it feels like it’s been years” There he lies awake, he thinks. There he lies… there he lies. Stuck, immobile, stiff, he lies… not knowing how to escape this hell he’s trapped in. His body limp in bed, the only working muscle is his eyes and god forbid he looks at what is near him. All night he lays there, staring at the ceiling. Taking a quick glance to the corner he encounters the first one. There it stands in the corner, a dark shadow that has no facial features. It stands tall, wearing what looks like a hat and a trench coat. It stares at him, he knows the menacing look the faceless shadow is giving off. He can’t do anything…lying there… asleep but awake.

Time passes, who knows how long. He’s feeling brave enough he looks into another corner and from there he discovers the second one. This one is different, he can feel the nefarious energy radiating off of its dark shade. It’s not standing but crouching, ready to pounce. “Oh god…oh god.” He says in his head knowing what’s about to happen. He looks the other way and notices the tall shadow pointing at him. The pressure… he feels an imaginative pressure on his chest. Turning his head up at the ceiling, something is blocking his view. “IT’S ON ME…IT’S ON ME!” He screams in his head. He’s stuck, why can’t he break free.

The crouching shadow on his chest, the tall figure still pointing at him. Time passes; it feels like days, weeks, months… and he’s stuck… lying there. Something changes, the crouching figure tilts it’s head back and… He opens his eyes, noticing it’s daytime, a wave of relief floods throughout his body. As he sits up dizziness hits his head and he falls back onto his pillow. “I… I can’t figure out time, it feels like it’s been years” There he lies awake, he thinks. There he lies… there he lies. Stuck, immobile, stiff, he lies..not knowing how to escape this hell he’s trapped in.




I am just an 18 year old who has an active imagination and lots of free time.